Delivery times vary for different products and usually range from 1 to 5 working days.
Delivery costs depend on the method selected and are displayed in the basket summary.
Shipping options:
- Inpost Courier: Fast delivery directly to your door.
- InPost Paczkomat®: Parcels are delivered to the parcel machine of your choice.
Return time: You have 14 days from the day you receive the goods to withdraw from the contract without giving any reason. After cancellation, the goods must be sent back immediately, no later than 14 days.
Terms of return: The buyer shall bear the costs of returning the goods. The product must be intact in the original packaging if possible.
How to return the goods?
Fill in the return form and enclose it with your parcel. You can download the returns form here.
Pack the goods and enclose all accessories and documents.
Send the parcel to our address:
Macrame Family
Olchawa 16
32-720 Nowy Wiśnicz
Refund: Upon receipt of the returned goods, we will refund the funds to the account from which the order was placed within 14 working days.
Thank you for shopping in our shop!